Momentum Partners
sales promotion

FAST MOVING quality products at a very competitive and noticeable retail price.
EYE CATCHING one trip display..
STRONG colourful message.
SIMPLE Factory to Shop Floor
GIVES you a sales and profit boost
PROFITS - display sells faster, more profit for you. Wow!
WE CHECK the market to ensure the retail gives you a competitive edge.
COMPETE with your competition by using...

Bag of 50, 8 Hr.Tealights. 80 bags on display.
1.7 Litre.Fridge Door Glass Jugs. 60in display

Clip Lock Food Storage/ Back to school. 66 x 5 piece sets in display
108 Pillars and 132 Scented Candles in display
Deluxe Brush & Pan Set. 63 in outer.
Stoneware assortment.Large & Small plates, Mugs & Cereal Bowls.
FAST MOVING quality products at a very competitive and noticeable retail price.
EYE CATCHING one trip display..
STRONG colourful message.
SIMPLE Factory to Shop Floor
PROFITS - display sells faster, more profit for you. Wow!

Brushware 4 colours.64 in display
6 Varities of non stick bakeware. 96 in display,
Pillar candle display. 120 in display.
Mugs, 5 Colours, 100 in display

Retailers: Display for your Sales & Profit boost
​Here's an interesting story of how the Wow Factor display works to increase sales and boost your profits.​
One of our many clients took our Wow Factor Display of frying pans into their store. The client could not believe that in no time the top two tiers of frying pans sold out. They were delighted. They just had one last tier of frying pans left in the bottom of the Wow Factor display stand, so they decided to place them on the shelves.
To their disappointment no more frying pans sold. They were still at the same good value price but nobody was buying them. How come the first two thirds sold so quickly but now sales had ground to a halt?

Fortunately they still had the Wow Factor Display Stand and so they decided to bring the display stand back onto the shop floor. They placed a few empty boxes in the bottom of the stand to elevate the visibility of the product. And just like before when they used the Wow Factor Display stand the frying pans sold faster than on the shelf.
The lesson to be learned here is to make your product accessible to your customers. The Wow Factor display stand and headboard message convey a strong effective sales message thus increasing product sales. Make good use of our experience in this area and use the Wow factor display stand to its fullest advantage. The Wow Factor display stand really works.

Retailers, here's some display guidlines
The key to maximising sales from our display is:
1. Maintain display as full looking as possible.
2. When display reaches half full, remove remaining products, fill base with some boxes and replace products - full display again, Wow!
The Sales Strategy
The range of fast moving quality Wow Factor products we supply come to you with at a very competitive retail price.
The eye catching one trip Wow Factor display with its strong colourful message attracts the attention of your customers.
The simple Factory to Shop Floor display unit makes it easy to install. You’ll have your products displayed and ready to sell in minutes. The Wow Factor gives you a sales and profit boost.
We check the market to ensure the retail price gives you a competitive edge so you can compete with great value offers.
Get The Wow Factor working for you.
Create your own zone for